Small LNG

Shipping consultants

Small scale LNG carriers consultants & brokers

Advertise your LNG services and products in our newsletter

Our small scale LNG newsletter has:

  • – about 2,000 subscribers.
  • – Extremely focused on small LNG shipping
  • – Weekly emails
  • – Opportunity for head image marketing (static / animated GIF)
  • – Opportunity for promoted content

Past issues can be found here.

You can place a top graphic in the newsletter, in jpeg or gif format, even an animated one like this:

Small LNG promo


The pricing structure is very simple:

  • – Advertising / promotion: 1 head graphic in small LNG newsletter – 600×100 px (max 1Mb): 1,900 € / month
  • – Newsletter: full article of project or product or company: 2,900 € per email
  • – Live event in Linkedin + YouTube and promotion in several channels (newsletter + Linkedin + Twitter): Price: 4,400 € per live event

Please contact us to get more details and to discuss your needs.


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Contact Info

Mr. Eduardo Perez Orue: +34 946 545 481

Bilbao, Spain

Send us an email